You can connect GoPro7 to vMix or OBS by RTMPMiniServer.

How to connect Mevo
Mevo and RTMPMiniServer: you can easy connect Mevo to vMix, OBS, Wirecast and any NDI apps.

VidiU Teradek: connection issue
How to solve VidiU connection issue

Windows WiFi issue
If your studio PC connected by Wifi then you may face this problem.
SecondStream: Trial Info
Trial Version is time limited 14 days.
SRT Custom proxy
Docker install: Ubuntu sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install Run docker run -p=8088:8088 -p=20000-20400:20000-20400/udp –restart=always -d garaninapps/srt_proxy stick port docker run -p=8088:8088 -p=20000-20400:20000-20400/udp –env ALLOW_PORT_STICK=ON –restart=always -d garaninapps/srt_proxy
SRT: Cross Line. Power Feature for Remote Production.
Cross Line is new power feature for remote production.
SecondStream: Custom Server
We provide special docker-image. So you can do this steps: Rent any Linux server (vps or dedicated). Bandwidth and location make sense. We recommended use Ubuntu or Centos. Install Docker to host. Download our server and Run (see below) Download and Run wget tar -xzf ss_server.tar.gz cd FILES ./ 80 NOTES: you can use…
SRT: Trial Info
Trial version will be expired after 21 days.
SRT: direct connection from Internet
If you have not public IP or have not ability for port-forwarding then please use other way – ProxyAddon for accept direct connections from INTERNET (for example from stadium or other country) please check this points: Your “Studio” has public IP.we provide dynamic DNS name like “” . It will be auto linked to this…