// this feature available in version 1.6 BETA
Go to top menu –> Tools –> Remote Control. It opens “Remote Control” window.
Remote Control starts lite web-server and you can use browser for monitoring RTMPMiniServer.
Listen IP: tells the server to listen for incoming connections on this IP address. If value is, the server will listen on all network interfaces.
For example: If value is then the server allows connection from localhost only.
Web Port: port for listening.
Secret Key: it’s like password. Use any alpha-numeric value.
Advanced usage: API
Remote Control server provides simple web API. So you can read info.
NOTES: example of usage see at INSTALLED_FOLDER/WEB/code.js
Common params:
any requests should includes params “tick” and “sign”.
tick: any integer value. Should be growth: next request value greater previous value. You can use timestamp for this.
sign: md5 hash from string “tick:secret_key“
NOTES: if secret key is empty then you can omit tick and sign params, but be aware – it’s not good practice.
GET /api/v1/read
returns info about lines as JSON:
[ line_info, line_info….]
where line_info is
line – int , line number
decode_fps – int,
in_buffer – int,
bitrate – int,
decoder_type – string, HW|SW,
source_fps – int,
start_buffer – int,
max_buffer – int,
frame_width – int,
frame_height – int,
ignore_audio – bool,
record – bool
POST /api/v1/_LINE_NUM_/disconnect
example: /api/v1/1/disconnect
call disconnect for line with _LINE_NUM_.